Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Top 5 New Year's Resolutions 2024

According to Forbes, the 5 most popular New Year's Resolutions for 2024 are:

1-Improve fitness
2-Improve finances
3-Improve mental health
4-Lose weight
5-Improve diet

Those top five resolutions are good, but what about something spiritually-focused? Consider using this as a New Year's Resolution:

"Get To Know God Better"

It doesn't matter if you currently don't know God at all, or if you have know Him for a long, long time, whatever your relationship is like now, you can always know Him better! 

So here are 3 ways how you can make this resolution happen and keep it going throughout the year........

1. Daily Bible Reading.
First, commit to reading it daily, even if it is just a few verses a day. Many Bible apps have a daily reading you can sign up for. Or if you want to open your Bible and read, have a plan. My thoughts are to start in the New Testament, one of the Gospels, like the book of Mark. Read a chapter a day. It's better to read slowly with understanding than reading too fast. 

Click on this link for more information:

2. Daily prayer.
By prayer, I mean basic conversation with the Lord. Prayer is simple dialogue with God, like you are talking to Him on a personal level. And this should be done throughout each day - not just in the morning, not just at night, but as you go about the day. 

3. Daily Doing Life With Him
Commit to 'doing life with Him' - and doing life with Him on a daily basis. Be a Christ follower - following His way, His truth, His teaching, and His example. Walking with Him is being more than just claiming to be a Christian, it's being a Christian. It's more than words, it's how you live your life.

So if someone asks you, "What's your New Year's Resolution?" Just say, "to get to know God better." Then you can share three ways on how they can do the same.