Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Jesus, UFO’s & Aliens

Are UFO’s real? Have you ever seen one? Do you think there are aliens out there somewhere in the universe? Do intelligent lifeforms exist and if so, do they even know that we exist? I’ve seen some strange things in the sky, like meteors and fireballs, but no UFO’s, at least that I can remember.

My mother tells me I was present when she saw one, but I was only about 3 years old and can’t recall that moment. It was in our back yard. My brother and I were playing in a sand box as my mother stood by. Suddenly my brother motioned for us to look up in the sky. My mother would later describe it as a flying saucer — a disk that was just hovering in the clear blue sky. It stood still for several moments, then suddenly shot straight up and disappeared! She often re-told that story to me.

As a young boy, growing up in the 50’s, I was fascinated by the idea of flying saucers. I watched all the 1950’s science fiction movies such as, “Invaders From Mars”, or “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. Today the question still remains, are UFO’s from other planets, or are they just natural phenomena? We are still trying to figure that out. Scientists scan the universe for distant radio signals and we're constantly monitoring outer space using telescopes and space probes trying to find the answer to the question: Is there intelligent life out there?

This past week the U.S. landed an unmanned, mechanical rover, called Perseverance, on Mars. According to NASA, the hope is to find evidence of ancient microbial life. To an evolutionist, a claim to discover ancient microbial life would be huge because they believe that’s how humans came into existence on this planet — evolving from microbes. They are still trying to figure out how life was created — how the universe was created, ignoring Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. 

In the beginning” means before anything existed — before matter existed — before the physical realm existed. “In the beginning” God created the “heavens” and the earth — the “heavens” meaning the universe, the sun, the planets, the solar system, including the earth. Whether there is life on other planets or not, God is sovereign over all things in the universe. 

So, back to the question: what does the Bible say about intelligent life on other planets? Actually, it says nothing about it! The Bible is focused on our planet, and our species, the human race. And that Jesus, God taking the form of a human, died on the cross for our sins because the human race has been tainted by the original sin of Adam and Eve — the fall of human-kind. Jesus came to reconcile us — to make us right with God.

So what can we speculate about the possibility of other species, or other intelligent life, on other planets? And what would that do for our faith in Jesus, as Christians, if other intelligent life existed? The answer is that it should do nothing to diminish our faith.

You see, God came to earth in the form of a human (Jesus), specifically for humans, to save us humans from eternal condemnation because of our sins against God. This is true whether we are the only intelligent life in the universe or whether there are other aliens out there. 

Jesus existed as “the Word” before man was created and before He came to earth as a man. So in the beginning, God was still 3 in 1: the Father, the Word (who is Jesus to us humans), and the Holy Spirit.  

John 1:1-3

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Through “the Word” all things were made. John 1:14 says, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. Before the Word took on the form of Jesus on planet earth, He was involved in creation of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible!

Colossians 1:15-19

 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 

These truths simply tell us that God has complete dominion and supremacy over all things created including everything and everyone in the universe, visible and invisible. Whether it’s humans on planet earth, or aliens somewhere else, or angels, or demons, God has authority and sovereignty over all. 

So let’s speculate about the possibility of other intelligent life in the universe. What if they were created and didn’t fall away from God as Adam and Eve did? That would be incredible — they would be sinless and possibly live forever, that is if we compare them to our spiritual reality as we know it. They would have no need for the Word to become their “flesh” to save them. 

But what if other intelligent life existed and they did fall away from God as Adam and Eve did? Then I suppose they would need the Word to become whatever type of species they were to offer salvation to them in whatever way God planned.

I was thinking — perhaps if aliens do exist, then maybe God doesn’t want us to meet. It would be too diverse spiritually, let alone perhaps physically. Could it be that the reason the universe is so expansive — so deep — is to simply keep us apart by God’s design? Maybe so.

I’m not saying there is intelligent life on other planets. We may be the only ones. And maybe the vast expanse of the universe was created only for God to demonstrate how big He is. All I’m saying is that the Bible doesn’t address the issue of alien life, and who knows, maybe one day we will find out.

What if there are aliens, and what if Heaven is filled with not only humans but other beings as well? Would this mean that Heaven is like some Star Wars scene? HaHa. Or will we be all the same spiritual body?

Let’s hold up for a moment. I’ve talked about some crazy scenarios, some of them may be not feasible or not even reality but just food for thought. And there are so many other things to speculate about. We could spend our whole life contemplating such things, but let’s get back to what’s really important as human beings on this planet earth in this solar system in this universe.

Here’s what we know as true. We, as humans, are God’s creation. Because sin entered our world, mankind is tainted by sin, which separates us from God. God, only through His grace and mercy, offered a plan to reconcile us humans back to Himself and forgive us of our sins, saving us from eternal condemnation, which is the consequence for our sins, and offer us life after death in a paradise with Him. He is calling out to us through Jesus.

God’s plan was to come to planet earth in the form of a human being, and offer Himself as the supreme sacrifice — dying as payment for our sins. Why would He do such a thing. What was the motive? Love!  

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God established the groundwork for His plan of sacrificing life to cover the punishment of sin though the Old Testament laws of offering the blood of lambs to cover the sins of the Israelites, God’s chosen people of that time. So Jesus, God in human form, came to earth to do just that — be the supreme sacrifice for sins, shedding His blood on the cross, offering forgiveness to all who accept His offer by believing in Him. 

The bottom line is we need to make sure that we are right with God — that we believe in Him, are baptized into Christ, and are Christ followers as we go through this life in a loving Father/child relationship with God. As a result, we have the promise of resurrection and eternal life in Heaven.

I’m not sure if there is life somewhere else, and if so, what God’s plan is for them. But I do know God’s plan for us humans, and hopefully you do too. So let’s be thankful for it and worship and praise Him, and live a life worthy of His calling.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A Joyful Heart Makes A Cheerful Face

Did Covid Take Away Our Smiles?

The pandemic has taken away a lot of things in this past year. For some, it’s even taken away loved ones —terrible, tragic, and sad. For most, it’s taken away our normal way of life — that’s for sure. Everyone is reeling from the effects of it in one way or another. Jobs are lost. Businesses are hurting and even closed. In many states, schools are closed. Churches, restaurants and stores have limited capacity if they are open at all.

We don’t know what to believe about the virus — is it as bad as they say it is,  or is it worse than reported? If I get it, will I die, or will it just be like a cold? Or will I have no symptoms at all? There’s fear — there’s uncertainty — there’s many unanswered questions and much confusion.

Should I be getting the vaccine? Or is the vaccine dangerous? Will I eventually be required to have a vaccine to travel? Should I isolate myself? Should I go out to a restaurant? Should I fly in an airplane? 

Do masks work? Or are masks just a worthless exercise enforced by the government? We all have opinions on all these topics, but I’d like to focus on the mask for a bit. I’m not sure if the masks are effective, but here’s what I know about the mask. Every time I go into a business I’m required to wear one. And what I observed is this — wearing a mask has made everyone so impersonal! 

Everyone is scared of everyone else. Nobody wants to get close to another person. Everybody is paranoid!!!!! Everyone you see is suspect, and assumed to be a covid carrier. Everyone looks at you as if you have the virus and is scared to get within 6 feet of you. I’ve been in stores where people actually try to avoid being near me. The pandemic has taken away our ability to be cordial to one another — to be warm and friendly. Let me ask you… this the way to live?

Here’s the worst thing about the mask — it has taken away our smiles. You can’t tell if someone is smiling at you, and someone else can’t tell if you are smiling at them. Do you know how important a smile is?

We use smiles to be polite, to communicate friendliness. Smiles are even a sign of compassion and caring. I found a internet site called Logos Communications and the article said this about smiling: “When we smile, we signal our friendliness, openness to engaging, and interest in people. Smiling reduces stress hormone levels, and increases mood-enhancing endorphins. A 2010 study by Wayne State University even showed that smiling might help you live longer! Smiles are one of the few non-verbal communications that translates between cultures.” You may not speak another person’s language, but they understand a smile.

Just think if humans were created without the ability to smile. What a cold world it would be. Can you imagine? Thank God for giving us the ability to smile. Otherwise, everyone would be walking around with a stern, grumpy expression as their constant appearance!!! That’s not the type of world I’d like to live in. But guess what?? — that’s what the mask does! It takes away the smile.

So what do we do about it? Here’s a couple of suggestions. Even when you are wearing a mask, when you are out and about, try to at least smile with your eyes. Or try practicing greeting someone by at least nodding your head. How about doing something cordial for someone — say opening a door for them when you are going into a store or restaurant. We need to start showing some friendliness and compassion. 

Do you think God smiles? I do. Maybe we are created with the ability to smile because, as the Bible says, we are made in the image of God. And when God smiles on us, it’s a special blessing. How would you feel if you knew God was looking down at you with a smile? Maybe that’s something you should picture in your mind when you think of God. What would that communicate to you? What would that convey? I’m thinking that it would convey His loving relationship with you — His grace and unconditional love that He has for you.

There’s a popular Christian song out now called “The Blessing” and it’s based on the Bible verse, Numbers 6:24-26. The lyrics of the song say, “The Lord bless you and keep you. Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.” The actual scripture, Numbers 6:24-26, says this, and I like the New Living Translation version:

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.—Numbers 6:24-26. 

I urge you to take this scripture and highlight it in your Bible. Be reminded of it often. This scripture is a prayer for you. This scripture is my prayer for you. What a great prayer!! What a comforting prayer. It’s a prayer that is asking the Lord to give you all that is good for you. This simple prayer is asking for the Lord to bless you — for the Lord to protect you — for the Lord to smile on you — for the Lord to be gracious to you — for the Lord to show you His favor — and for the Lord to give you His peace — and who doesn’t long for that? Here’s a great idea… use this prayer as you pray for other people you know. 

You can be sure that Jesus smiled a lot when He was on earth. He must have used smiles many times - some simply compassionate expressions, and some simply laughter.   I’m sure Jesus had a great smile and that He used it often. The Bible doesn’t record those things about Jesus, but you can be sure they happened.

One thing about a smile — when you smile at people, they automatically smile back. Smiles are reciprocal. Smiles are a simple way to just connect with others, even if it’s just a passing, friendly, cordial glance. And personal connection seems to have been lacking lately. 

Even in this pandemic, we need to reach out to people, be kind to people, and connect with people. Do your best to smile when you can. Here’s a truthful statement — we cannot make it on our own. We need others in our lives and we need God in our lives. I don’t know how people can make it through this pandemic - through life’s trials - or through this life period — without the Lord in their life. He is our only true source of hope, peace, and joy. 

One more thing regarding smiling— as Christians, we have something to smile about. And that is our relationship with the Lord who is the giver of life, of grace, of peace, and of joy. Nothing can take away that joy, not even a pandemic. Our joy is internal - it’s in our hearts  - we have Christ with us and in us. I love Proverbs 15:13. It says, “A joyful heart makes a cheerful face”. A smile means a lot and can say a lot.

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. Numbers 6:24-26